Christine Dean, Clerk of the Court, at Blackburn Magistrates Court (pic)
is an evil, lefty, mouthy, interfering, needs to be taught a lesson
after almost causing a decent man to lose his job, cunt.
Gordon Brown is a let's sneak off back to Scotland
with my tail between my legs now I've wrecked the country
and write so really fucking boring books
that no-one wants to read, cunt.
Andrew Gatward as a sneaking around old blogposts posting abusively as an Anonymong as his benefits are about to be slashed and he's petrified about it, fat, useless, fake company creating, failed wrestler of a cunt.
Jack Dromey - seen him on TV a couple of times in past few days, and out of all the multitude of cunts on display, he sticks in my mind as an uttermost cunt.
Weasel-mouthed, nevergiveastraightanswetoasimplequestion, cunt of the supremest order.
What fucking reality-distorting drugs is he on to believe that anyone believes his dissembling shite?
I nominate Michael Cole, Mohamed Al Fayed's spokesman.
Fuck it, I nominate Al Fayed as well. Pair of nonce cunts.
Harrods used to be a nice place to shop, now it's just full
of cheap celebs who've been on Big Brother or
X Factor or Trisha or Jeremy Kyle.
And now Al Fayed goes and sells it to another bunch of Arabs.
I'd cunt them as well if I knew how to spell their names.
Yemi Sawyerr is a Challenge Jackpot late night crap TV,
annoying, dive for the fucking remote
and get this grinning twat off the
telly box as fast as possible cunt, the cunt.
UAF are retarded, Communist, smelly, hypocritical,
unwashed morons, who shout abuse at kids and
mums on a family St. Georges Day parade in Brighton, cunts.
Gordon Brown is a pensioner harrassing, two-faced, vindictive, childish, pill-popping, psychopathic prime minister of a cunt, who has just been cunted with his own cuntishness.
Nominated by Dr. Cunt
The Cunt du Jour HAS to be the one-eyed wonk
who called a pensioner "bigoted".
Brown - what a weapons grade cunt.