YorkshirePudding accidentally *cough* strayed on to isacunt
(Eh? Looking for something possibly? Curse those search engines!)
and is a humourless telling-us-off-for-naughty-words cunt.
Boatang & Demetriou are currently wanking each other into
a state of fury about Old Holborn's various
shenanigans and are a pair of obsessive, whiny cunts.
Pope Hitler I, Joseph Ratzinger the head of the
institutionally paedophillic Roman Catholic Church
is a goose stepping apologist for child rapists. The cunt.
Bob Crow is an overpaid Communist fuckwit,
striking AGAIN over Easter, denying people with real jobs a holiday with the kids,
grade A prime 100% nailed on Cunt.
"Baron" Paul Drayson who seems to think that while we're
up to our neck in debt and shit, we should spend
half a billion US dollars on sending a Chicken Tikka Masala to the moon,
is a cunt.